Monday, May 6, 2024

Iceout in Billerica

This ditch at Vietnam Veterans Disc Golf course is usually dry, but in February, it was full of water and ice.

For more disc golf musings, see Notes from Bogeyland.

Icy ditch at Vietnam Veterans Disc Golf, Billierica, MA
Ice out at hole 3, Vietnam Veterans Disc Golf, Billierica, Massachusetts

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Vincent Street cobblestones

Vincent Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Vincent Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts

The city milled off the existing asphalt on Vincent Street the other day, exposing cobblestones underneath. Vincent Street was first laid out in 1888 — I'm not sure when it was paved with cobblestones.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Red car, red picture

Testing the limits of minivan capacity:

Santa Cruz, California, November, 2018

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Ten pounds of tools in a five-pound toolbox

 I had trouble finding the tin snips because they were buried under layers of screwdrivers, wire, Duco cement, and miscellaneous other tools. So I took this opportunity (after more than 50 years!) to empty out this toolbox, take stock, and pare down a bit.

Tools, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Tools, Cambridge, Massachusetts

I made this when I was a sophomore or junior in high school, and I remember inking my information in india ink with an old-fashioned pen:

Toolbox from the 1970s

Friday, April 29, 2022

Massachusetts Skies


We've had some interesting skies (along with wind) this spring.

Neighborhood Nine, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Last week, Neighborhood Nine, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Neighborhood Nine, Cambridge, Massachusetts
A different day last week, Neighborhood Nine, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Whipple Hill disc golf, Danvers, Massachusetts
Earlier this week at Whipple Hill disc golf course, Danvers, Massachusetts

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Disc golf in winter

Update: If you're interested in more musings about disc golf, check out my newsletter Notes from Bogeyland.

I am looking forward to playing disc golf in the spring. But I am also glad that it's possible to play disc golf all year round, including winter. I played last week at The Hill in Devens, Massachusetts.

Devens, Massachusetts, March 4, 2021

Disc golf is a great sport for pandemic times: outdoors, socially distanced, and not too many crowds. If you like hiking, throwing frisbees, and it’s the middle of a pandemic, disc golf is the perfect sport for you!

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Where I lived in California: between the places

When we moved to California, I first lived in Sunnyvale, then we moved to downtown Santa Cruz before living on the west side near UC Santa Cruz. You can make a cutout map like this at
Sunnyvale and Santa Cruz, California

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Late fall snow


Cambridge, Massachusetts

Jamie grew up in Santa Cruz, so this was his first significant snowstorm. Once he figured out that you sink in to the snow, he loved romping and chasing his favorite soccer ball.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Rolling into Massachusetts

After eight days on the road, we rolled into the Berkshires this morning on a stunning fall day.

Massachusetts Turnpike, near Stockbridge